Welcome to DORSA!

DORSA - A "Virtual Museum" of German Orthoptera Collections

DORSA (Digitized Orthoptera Specimens Access) is a specimen based database with internet access to the Orthoptera held in German museum collections including geographic information on a world-wide basis as well as media data like illustrations of type specimens and sound recordings ("Virtual Museum"). 2229 type specimens are documented by approx. 25000 images, and more than 4000 sound records of Orthoptera songs are linked to voucher specimens. Browse DORSA data through SYSTAX database (see below)!
Other features include links to the Orthoptera Species File (OSF), a geographic map server and a rapid assessment tool for automated song classification and recognition. For details, see results!

The link below allows direct access to SYSTAX. NOTE: SYSTAX has been switched down by University of Ulm provider. For present state of DORSA and history, see my recent talk on ECOCIII European Orthoptera Congress, available via Youtube